The 6 Things All High Earning Agents Do
10 June 2019

1 – The Plan
You need two plans.
- Long-term plan that tracks numbers
- Daily plan that keeps you focused
The first part of your plan is calculating the income you want and figuring out how many leads it takes to get there!
The second part is your daily schedule...
Your daily schedule should only be filled up with the activities that help you generate and support the leads you need to hit your goal.
That’s it.
Daily schedule = Only things that hit your goal
What you’ll find after you start using it, is that your planned day rarely reflects your real day.
You get a text…and that turns into an hour of ‘MESSING around.’
And now you’ve lost an hour of business building. You can NEVER get that hour back.
Use these two tools to make sure you’re only working on the things talked about on this blog post….
2 – Your Database
Use your CRM Database to the maximum.
That is really the key when it comes to CRMs. There are always going to be ‘bells & whistles.’ But the thing that really matters is you making the calls and writing the emails.
Here are the three databases you’ll need to do build out:
- Your Sphere Of Influence
- Agent-to-Agent Marketing
- Your Leads
The goal of each of these databases is to provide value to everyone on those lists. You need to provide more value than you ask for in every relationship.
Another great way to provide value is through educational blog posts. You can use the web to create free information that engages your sphere.
In terms of lead followup, you must be persistent. I recommend following up 2-3 times on the first day the lead comes in. And then once per day for a week after that. Then you should put the lead in a light touch followup system that is more long-term in nature.
The key with followup is to not worry about being annoying.
So many times, agents simply fail to call their leads back often enough. People aren’t upset at you for calling them. They are just busy people too. (This assumes you’re calling legit leads, that opted into your CRM/website.)
You need to build systems that have you calling and following up with leads for months.
Why? Because most leads are shopping around for homes months before they are ready to speak with an agent.
3 – Systems
Everyone reading this blog post should also read the book called E-Myth. It’s one of the better business books to read.
Here’s why you need systems:
System = efficiency; clarity; ability to grow; getting more done; sending more emails; making more calls; prospecting more often; blogging more often; becoming a better agent; executing more marketing ideas; and more.
Basically, if you do something in your business, turn it into a system.
Systems are what makes this possible. If you don’t document how do to things, you’ll never be able to grow to where you want to go!
I really recommend using videos to document your processes. They work 200%-1000% better than written word.
4 – Scripts & Dialogues
The next topic is learning what to say on the phone and in person.
This post is about building your systems and making your business better. I’m not going to give you actual scripts here.
What I recommend it this:
- Create a folder in Google Drive:
- Create text docs in there for every type of script
- Copy/Paste all the scripts I’ve linked up below & you ever find ever into those documents
- Practice.Practice.Practice.
Why is this important?
Because scripts are living and breathing documents. You want to share that folder with everyone on your team. And constantly be improving what you say. The co-editing environment of Google Docs is second to none!
Example of various scripts you can find on the web:
5 – Listings (Knowledge and simplicity)
The more you know, the better prepared you are to provide quality service, gain their trust, and win the listing.
The #1 thing I tell agents who are struggling with getting listings is to get back to basics. That starts with knowing your communities, subdivisions, and neighbourhoods, understanding how to put together a quality market analysis that accurately depicts how much a homeowner can expect to get in today’s market, and doing your homework about their neighbourhood and the surrounding area.
Do you know how many sales there were in this community in the last year? Last 6 months? How many homes were taken off the market during this time-frame? What is the average sales price to list price for the properties that sold? Any FSBOs on the market? Are there currently foreclosures or short sales available? Any distressed homes sales? Are you competing with new construction? Any new retail biz’ coming in this area soon to increase traffic? Upcoming road or utility works planned? The more you know, the better prepared you are to provide quality service, gain their trust, and win the listing.
It also helps if you can point homeowners to information that provides them with information about the area/city demographics. While some sellers may already know this information, some may not. The goal is they will pass this information along to their sphere of influence because you never know who they know and where the next buyer for their home will come from.
6 – Lead Generation
Top producers have at least 10 and probably closer to 20+ lead generation sources.
Middle level producers have around 6 lead generation sources.
You need to focus on building these out. Here are some great articles on Lead Generation:
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